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Installing and taking your TLCC course

After ordering your course you will get an e-mail from TLCC with further instructions. Follow those instructions in the e-mail or just use the "Registration/My Account" menu to login to your account and download your course.

Notes and Domino developer and administrator courses

Notes and Domino developer and administrator courses are delivered using your Notes client. Activities and demonstrations are done right in Notes and Domino; no simulations are used. A series of Notes databases will be installed on your Notes client. The main database is called "Lessons." This database will contain the lessons for the course as well as links to get help and to do the activities and demonstrations. See the individual course descriptions in our catalog for specific pre-requisites and software required for that particular course.

Notes and Domino user courses

Notes and Domino user courses are also delivered using the Notes client. The user courses can be either replicated to the user's client computer or can be placed on the Domino server for simultaneous delivery to thousands of users. Activities and demonstrations are done right in the Notes client; no simulations are used. Click here for more information on TLCC's Notes user courses.