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Author: Howard Greenberg

Title: Getting Started with Lotus Notes

Magazine: Notes Advisor

Date: 05/01/1996

Synopsis of article:

The six steps to integrating Lotus Notes are covered. This article discusses the Notes pilot phase. This is where a company "tries out" Lotus Notes.

Topics covered:
  1. Likely candidates for a pilot application
  2. Developing in-house vs. using consultants vs. shrink-wrapped packages
  3. Setting up the first Notes server
  4. Costs of a pilot

For information on ordering a back issue of the Notes Advisor that contains this article please contact Advisor Publications at 800-336-6060 or on the web at:

Note: Advisor Publications has not given TLCC permission to re-publish this article, so we are not able to put the full text of the article on our web site.