TLCC Notes and Domino Newsletter

Published on March 19,2012

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In This TLCC Newsletter:
1. Do You Want to Be an XPages Developer?
2. Recorded Webinar - Climbing the Beanstalk: A Gentle Transition from Lotuscript to Java Beans
3. Top Three Performance Tips for XPages Developers
4. Two Notes Client Admin Tools From IBM
5. Improving the Date Picker in XPages
6. Upcoming Lotus User Group Meetings and Conferences
7. Latest NotesIn9 Shows
8. Attention IBM Employees - TLCC's new Mobile XPages Course is now at the Learning@IBM site
9. No-charge Courses and Resources at TLCC's site

1. Do You Want to Be an XPages Developer?

XPages have been all the craze for the last few years. They provide us, the Notes and Domino developer, with a way to move our Notes applications to a modern Web 2.0 interface that is not designed around forms and views like the old Notes/Domino model. With XPages we have the flexibility to create an application that can use the underlying data as we see fit. Have you ever wanted to:

  • Combine several forms and views on the same page?
  • Move your existing Domino applications to mobile devices?
  • Create a Global variable that holds information to be shared among several XPages?
  • Do a lookup inside a view column?
  • Completely separate your data from your design?
...With XPages you can do all that and much more!

As the leading training provider for XPages, we have been speaking with many of you about getting started with XPages. Typically, you have been doing Notes and Domino development for several years (up to 20!) and are familiar with LotusScript and can create great applications for the Notes client. Many of you are also heavily into Domino web development. The big question we keep hearing from you is:

What skills do I need to get started with XPages?

XPages are part of a Domino application and use Domino forms and views as the data source to display information in a web browser or Notes client. So, the first skill you need is competence as a Notes and Domino developer and be able to create forms and views. You need to understand the relationship between the form and view design elements and how these design elements use Domino documents/fields to store and display information. XPages still use the Notes/Domino security model, therefore familiarity with the Access Control List and readers/authors fields is also important.

JavaScript is the language built into XPages and comes in two flavors; Server-side JavaScript and Client-side Java Script. Server-side JavaScript runs on the Domino server and has the big advantage of having full access to the Domino Object Model as well as support for many of the familiar @Functions you have worked with in Notes development. Using the Domino Object Model in JavaScript is very similar to how you accessed Domino Objects in LotusScript code or Java agents. Knowing how the Domino Object Model can access data using the NotesDatabase, NotesView, and NotesDocument classes (and other Domino classes) is a very important skill for an XPages developer. The good news is that if you know the Domino Object Model in LotusScript, working with these objects in Server-side JavaScript is similar and your skills will quickly transition. However, JavaScript is a different language than LotusScript. You should be familiar with JavaScript and how to create variables, work with arrays, and call JavaScript functions. Another important point here is that JavaScript is NOT Java, the two languages are only close in name but they are very different.

What about Java? Under the covers XPages are Java. This is all hidden from you since you work in the familiar Domino Designer environment. The XPages you create get automatically compiled to Java classes which are what actually executes on the Domino server. What this means is that wherever Server-side JavaScript can be used you can also choose to use Java, including the use of existing Java code. Does this mean you need Java skills to be an XPages developer? Absolutely not! Don't let all the technical discussions in the blogs and social media about Java beans, etc. give you the impression that you must use (and be an expert on) Java in your XPages applications. You can create great XPages applications using the Domino Object Model interface and Server-side JavaScript just like you did with LotusScript in Notes client applications.

XPages Skills Path

Finally, the last skill you need is the most obvious, developing XPages. How do you create an XPage? Add controls to an XPage? Use Dojo on an XPage? Work with stylesheets and themes? All these XPages related skills will be needed and acquired as you learn and work with XPages. To summarize these skills:

There will be a natural progression of phases as a new XPages developer (listed below). Not everyone will get to all these phases. Many developers will find getting to the first two phases is all they need to accomplish in order to create great XPages applications.
Ready to get started? Don't try to conquer the world with your first application and completely rewrite your biggest Domino application. Instead, start with a small application or add XPages to do a small part of an application. The worst thing you can do is over commit on your first application. Work your way up to the big complicated application.

The best way to get started is with formal training that will provide you with the right foundation skills. TLCC has all the courses you need, both to build your core skills like JavaScript and to learn XPages. TLCC has four XPages courses, including a special course just for mobile XPages development and a JavaScript course designed just for future XPages developers! Our self-paced courses allow you to start learning at your own pace and at your place! Or, choose to attend one of our Instructor Led Online courses or one of our expert TLCC instructors can come to your location to deliver a private on-site class. TLCC has a skills path listing that maps the skills you need for XPages development into suggested TLCC courses. Or, contact Paul or myself and let us help you map out your training needs.

To view the Suggested Skills Path for XPages Development go to:

Want a link to this article? Use the URL below for a link to this article on skills needed for XPages development. Please pass this around to your colleagues and add to your blog!

2. Recorded Webinar - Climbing the Beanstalk: A Gentle Transition from LotusScript to Java Beans

If you missed the great webinar on March 7th by Tim Tripcony on making the move from procedure oriented programming to object oriented programming be sure to watch the recording on YouTube!

To watch this recorded webinar brought to you by TLCC and GBS go to:

3. Top Three Performance Tips for XPages Developers

There is a great discussion thread about the top three things an XPages developer can do to improve performance. Lots of experts weighed in with their thoughts and opinions. This discussion is on Stack Overflow, which is becoming an excellent resource for asking XPages related questions.

To read the discussion about the top performance tips go to:

4. Two Notes Client Admin Tools From IBM

Greg Eldred in his blog post discusses two administrator tools provided by IBM; NICE and MUMA:

NICE - (Notes Install Cleanup Executable) will clean up an aborted Notes installation, uninstall, or upgrade by removing all files and registry entries.
MUMA - (Multi-User Migration Assistant) will quickly convert an existing single user Notes install to a multi-user setup. It does this quickly without the need to run the Notes installation program.

To read the blog post about these two tools go to:

5. Improving the Date Picker in XPages

The Date Picker control in XPages provides a nice way for users to enter a date. However, users still have an edit box where they can enter any value, even if it is not a valid date/time format. Mark Roden has provided a tip on how to improve the Date Picker control with the simple addition of client-side JavaScript code. Adding this code to your XPages forces the user to use the date picker interface to select a date. They will no longer be able to type in any value ensuring that the value will be in a proper date/time format thereby avoiding any unnecessary validation.

To read this tip go to:

6. Latest NotesIn9 Shows

NotesIn9 is a collection of videos by David Leedy (and many guest speakers) on various XPages topics. Some of the latest shows are:
To view the NotesIn9 videos go to:

To subscribe to the NotesIn9 shows via iTunes go to:

7. Upcoming Lotus User Group Meetings and Conferences

There are several conferences coming up in the next few months:

Belux Lotus User Group (BLUG) - This no-charge user group meeting has forty sessions including an Introduction to XPages Development session presented by Howard Greenberg from TLCC. All the sessions will be presented in English. This user group meeting will be held in Antwerp, Belgium on March 22nd and 23rd.

EntwicklerCamp'12 - will be held in Gelsenkirchen (near Dusseldorf) Germany and features many hands-on sessions, including a hands-on Introduction to XPages Development session by Howard Greenberg from TLCC. Some sessions will be in English and many others will be in German. This conference will be on March 26th to the 28th.

Australian Lotus User Group (AusLUG) - will be held in Melbourne on March 29th and 30th. This no-charge event features over 40 sessions with speakers from not only Australia but all over the world. Don't miss this opportunity to MEET with like-minded users, SHARE your experiences and LEARN from the industry experts.

8. Attention IBM Employees - TLCC's new Mobile XPages Course is now at the Learning@IBM site

Now available at the Learning @ IBM site for IBM employees - TLCC's new course Mobile XPages Development Using Domino 8.5. There is no need to use a credit card or get a purchase order! Other courses for Notes and Domino 8.5 are also available. Check out the available courses listed below:
For a complete list of available courses go to:

9. No-charge Courses and Resources at TLCC's site

TLCC offers several demonstration and complete courses at no cost. The demonstration courses work just like the actual TLCC course but contain a subset of the lessons. The following demonstration and full courses are available:

Developer courses for 8.5: User courses for 8.5: If you are receiving this newsletter then you do not have to register again at the TLCC site to try a demonstration course. Your username is at the end of this newsletter.

To try the demonstration courses go to:

TLCC periodically offers live webinars on popular topics. In addition, many of the previous webinars are recorded and available for your viewing.

To view the list of upcoming webinars as well as the recorded webinars go to:

Tips Archive
TLCC has archived all of our tips for Notes/Domino. The Tips Archive, which can be searched, is an excellent source of ideas and sample code to try in your applications.

To view the archive of all the tips go to:

White Paper - Effectively Training Notes users
This white paper explores the different alternatives to train your users how to effectively use the Notes client, reduce help desk calls, and maximize the return on investment in your Notes/Domino infrastructure.

To download the white paper go to:

TLCC Homeroom - To edit your TLCC registration details, view your courses, upgrade your courses to the latest level, or reactivate a course go to:

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Please contact us at 888-241-8522 or 561-953-0095 if you have any questions. You can also send an email to

Howard Greenberg
The Learning Continuum Company
2101 NW 2nd Ave, Suite 5
Boca Raton, FL 33431
888-241-TLCC or 561-953-0095
Fax 561-395-6749

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Note: The prices and special offers in this newsletter may be time-sensitve and therefore, may no longer be valid. Check with the current TLCC course catalog for the current pricing.