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Which TLCC course is right for you?

The table below suggests TLCC courses based on your experience and incremental goals.

Getting certified? Use the following table to find the right course for you:
Notes Domino 6 certification exams
WebSphere certification exams
Notes and Domion Release 5 Certification exams

Your experience level and goalsPackage
Want to train your Notes users
Want to learn how to develop WebSphere applications and you have some experience with Java and you are not experienced with Domino.
Experienced Domino Developer who wants to create servlets and JavaServer Pages using WebSphere.
Experienced R5 Notes Developer who wants to learn the new Release 6 Application Development features.
New Notes Developer who wants to learn R6
Experienced Notes Domino 6 Developer (taken the R5 Application Development 1 class or its equivalent) who wants to use Java in their applications.
Experienced Release 6 Developer (taken the Notes Domino 6 Application Development 1 class or its equivalent) who wants to use LotusScript in their Release 6 applications.
Experienced Domino 6 Developer who wants to use JavaScript in their R5 applications.
New Notes Developer who wants to learn R5
Experienced R5 Developer (taken the R5 Application Development 1 and 2 classes or their equivalent) who wants to use LotusScript in their R5 applications.
Experienced R5 Developer (taken the R5 Application Development 1 class or its equivalent) who wants to develop web applications using Domino.
Experienced R5 LotusScript developer who want to use LotusScript in R5 Domino web applications
Experienced R5 Developer who wants to use Java in their R5 applications.
Experienced R5 Developer who wants to use JavaScript in their R5 applications.
Experienced R5 Developer (taken the R5 Application Development Update course or the R5 Application Development 1 and 2 classes) who wants to use XML in their R5 applications.

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