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How to order a TLCC course!
- To order a course, you need to register with us first. If you have already signed up for a free demonstration course, then you have already registered and been given a user name and password.
Click here to register.
Click here if you have forgotten your user name or password.
- After registering use the links below to go to the TLCC course catalog and select your course (Be sure to check out our packages for the best deal!)
WebSphere courses
Notes Domino 6 courses
Notes and Domino Release 5 courses
Notes user courses
- After your order has been processed TLCC will send you an email with further instructions on how to download and install your course.
Need more help getting started?
Call 1-888-241-TLCC and we’ll walk you through the steps. Or send an email to webmaster@tlcc.com and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.