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TLCC's R5 Notes User Courses

Train your uses for less - and start reaping the benefits of their updated skills right away. Using your Domino servers, you can efficiently and cost-effectively teach R5 to thousands of users simultaneously. Students uses Notes to learn Notes! The TLCC R5 Notes user courses are:
  • R5 Notes User Update - This course is designed for R4 users who are upgrading to R5. The course focuses on what is new in R5 for Notes users.
  • Using R5 Notes - This course teaches R5 Notes to users who have never used Notes. This course covers all of the main R5 user interface tools, features and main applications.
For one low price you get a license to both courses, making it easy and affordable to train all of your R5 users.

Click here to see the course descriptions and outlines to the above courses. Below is a pdf version of the course outlines.

user course outlines.pdf

Click on the attachment icon below to download a printable (pdf) version of this page.


Click on a link below to view information on
Course Demonstration
Course Pricing
Runs on Notes and Domino
Self Paced Learning
Lessons with Interactive Student Activities
Course Discussion Monitoring and Support
Module Self-Assessments or Quizzes
Help System
Optional Final Exam
Optional Course Customization
Flexible Delivery
Course Pricing
Course Demonstration

Runs on Notes and Domino - The biggest differentiating feature when comparing TLCC's R5 Notes user courses to other offerings in the market is that the TLCC courses use the Notes client and are delivered using the Domino server. TLCC courses do not simulate the Notes environment. Instead, TLCC's courses are specifically designed to leverage Notes and Domino as the most effective delivery medium for Notes training. The TLCC user courses are delivered as a set of Notes databases which are easily deployed in your existing Notes and Domino implementation. The best way to deliver Notes training is by using Notes and not a simulation of it. All demonstrations and student activities use the R5 Notes client which provides the highest level of learning reinforcement and effectiveness. The advantages of delivering R5 Notes training using Notes include:
  • The course is delivered to each student's workstation using your existing Notes and Domino infrastructure.
  • No additional hardware, software or licensing requirements.
  • No additional classroom, travel, or out of office costs.
  • Use the familiar Notes client to customize the course content to your specific requirements and to deploy, administer and support the course.
  • Integrated student activities are highly interactive and provide immediate reinforcement of lesson material.
  • No simulations. Real Notes student activities are the most effective way to reinforce learning.
  • Real Notes student activities provide the most engaging student interaction.

Self Paced Learning - The TLCC R5 user courses are designed to allow students to proceed through the material at their own pace. Students can start the course at any time and return to the course as needed to learn or review the topics. An instructor monitors the integrated course discussion database and responds to student's questions. This "open door" design allows thousands of students to take the course at the same time, makes it easy to coordinate training with your R5 rollout, and reduces the need for course administration and instructor support.

Interactive Student Activities - A student activity is combined with almost every lesson. This learning model provides immediate reinforcement of the important points or procedures in the lesson and maximizes retention. The TLCC R5 Notes user courses use three types of activities:
  • Practice Activities allow a student to practice what was learned to provide immediate reinforcement.
  • Setup Activities allow a student to customize their personal Notes setup after learning about a setup option. The student not only learns what is new in the R5 Notes client, but also starts to customize it for their needs as they go through the course. An example of a setup activity is enabling an automatic signature for mail.
  • Learning Buddy activities involve another student to reinforce concepts related to collaborative activities such as mail, group scheduling, and group To Do's.

Course Discussion Monitoring and Support - The TLCC R5 user courses include a Discussion database which takes advantage of Domino's proven collaboration capabilities. The course discussion database allows students to post questions linked to the lessons in the course. The Discussion database provides a communication link between your user support team and the students as they are taking the course. The advantages of providing course discussion monitoring and support are:
  • Allows you to provide individual and specific student support.
  • Students can get help and do not feel they have nowhere to turn to if they are "lost."
  • Provides immediate feedback during the rollout and training phases of your project.
  • Students can learn from other student's questions and answers.

Help system - Context-sensitive help is available to describe how to use the course, how to post questions and how to review course related discussion.

Module Self Assessments or Quizzes - Each module includes a self-assessment or quiz. The format for the self-assessments is Multiple Choice and True/False questions. For each question, the student can click a button to display the correct answer and compare their response. Self-assessments provides immediate feedback, allowing the student to assess their understanding of material presented in the current course module.

Optional Final Exam - An optional final exam can be enabled to test each student on their comprehension of the material or to ensure compliance with mandatory course completion policies. Detailed exam summary results are posted in the Exams database, allowing an Exam Administrator to identify students who may require additional training.

Optional Course Customization - The material in the TLCC R5 user courses can be customized to best suit the needs of the target students and your R5 implementation. Detailed procedures and customization recommendations are included in the Course Setup Database which is included with the course material. The advantages of TLCC course customization include:
  • Customize course contents to best suit the needs of the target students and your R5 implementation.
  • Create and customize different versions of the course for different groups of students.
  • Use the familiar Notes client to easily customize the course content.

Flexible Delivery - Students take the TLCC R5 courses using an R5 Notes client. The course can be accessed from a Domino server or can be downloaded to the student's computer and taken locally. Mobile and remote users can take the course locally without using expensive and/or slow connections to a Domino server. Students take the course geared for their needs, either a new Notes user or a R4 user who is upgrading to R5. This wide flexibility of access options accommodates different company's and student's needs.

System Requirements - A Notes R5 client is needed by each student to be able to take the course and do all demonstrations and activities. The course materials can be placed on a R5 Domino server or the local Notes R5 client.

Course Pricing - TLCC’s user courses are sold via a site license based on the number of users in the Domino Directory (Public Name and Address Book.) The site license includes access to the R5 User Update course for existing R4 users and the Using R5 Notes course for new Notes users.

Click here to see the TLCC user course pricing

TLCC provides support for installation related questions for 30 days after purchase. Purchase of a maintenance contract allows for access to download the latest releases of the R5 user courses and installation and customization support beyond the 30 day period.

Course Demonstration - Free demonstrations of TLCC’s user courses are available. You need to be a registered user on TLCC's web site and fill out a evaluation request to access the demonstration.

If you need to register for a TLCC username, click here.

If you have a TLCC username, click here to fill out a evaluation request.

Contact TLCC for help or further information. Click here to send mail to TLCC.

Copyright - The Learning Continuum Company, Ltd.