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The Learning Continuum Company

What is the most effective way to teach Notes R5 to all of my end users?

An item often overlooked in converting to R5 is user training. The many changes in R5 require user training. Proper training will reduce support calls to the Help Desk and administrators and provide for a smoother roll-out.

Some of the options available to train users on R5 are classroom training and computer based training (CBT). Classroom training has several limitations. It is very expensive to train many users in the classroom and difficult to schedule. The big advantage is the instructor being able to provide help. Of course, when the class ends, the help ends too.

Computer based training provides flexibility in scheduling. Users can take the training when they want it. One disadvantage of tradition CBT courses is no instructor. Also, CBTs are usually simulations of Notes. These simulations are very limiting in what the user can do.

Another option is Notes based training offered by The Learning Continuum Company (TLCC). Notes based training has many advantages:

Use your Domino servers to deliver the course.
Realistic activities and demonstrations instead of a simulation of Notes.
Students proceed at their own pace and can use the material as a reference.
Provide help to students electronically.
Easily customize the course materials.

Once low cost TLCC site license provides access to two courses, R5 Notes User Update for R4 users moving to R5, and Using R5 Notes for new Notes users. Site license pricing starts as low as $1,800 for 100 users to $15,000 for an unlimited license.

For more information and to try a free demo, go to

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