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    Links to other cool Lotus related web sites!

    Virtual Association of Lotus Users web site

        The Virtual Association of Lotus Users across the Enterprise (VALUE) is a Lotus-endorsed international umbrella association dedicated to providing the Lotus Notes and Domino community - users, regional interest groups, and product vendors - with effective vehicles for sharing information and experiences. VALUE services are designed to enhance worldwide communication and to support user group events.

    The Lotus home page.
    The starting point for Lotus...

    The Iris home page.
    A great source for Notes information. There is an on-line magazine full of technical information, discussion forums and software to download and try out!

    Frank Cseh's Lotus Notes Page
    Many links to other Notes related web pages!

    Domino Cafe
    "The Ultimate Domino Resource Center" - discussions, links to other sites, job listings, etc.

    A Huge Lotus Notes Programmers Library with now over 2200+ Tips & Tricks for LotusScript, Formulas, JAVA, Graphics, the Web, and More! We also include many free downloads!

    Key Solutions Notes FAQ site

    This site maintains a FAQ listing as well as links to many Notes resources.

    Swing Software
    produces an integration tool for Lotus Notes/Domino and Microsoft Office. This tool can be embedded into the design of any Notes/Domino application and works for both Notes clients and web browsers.

    DominoPower web site

    DominoPower has news about Lotus and Notes and articles. They also have a tip of the week.


    Looking for a job? Try this site.


    Looking for a job? Go to JustNotesJobs.com.

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