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Try a demonstration course for free!
The best way to evaluate TLCC’s training is by actually trying a course or two - at no cost or obligation!
Getting started is easy:
- To take a free demo course, you need to register with us.
Click here to register.
Click here if you have registered but forgot your user name or password.
- Once registered, go to Course Catalog and choose which demonstration course you want to try, or click on the course title below:
Developer demonstration courses include:
User demonstration courses include:
- TLCC will process your request and send you an email. (Please be sure your email address is correct.)
- After you receive the email from TLCC, follow the instructions in the email to download your course.
- Follow the instructions on the download page to install your course.
Need more help getting started?
Call 1-888-241-TLCC and we’ll walk you through the steps. Or send e-mail to webmaster@tlcc.com and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.