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Corporate Packages

Corporate Packages allow an organization to purchase a fixed number of TLCC course "units" at tremendous savings and apply those to any employee. The training manager will use a special User ID at TLCC's Web site to register students, assign courses to students, and see how many units are left. Below is a screen image of TLCC's web based corporate package system:

Corporate management system

Once assigned, the student gets immediate access to the course and can start using TLCC’s high quality training courses by downloading the courses from TLCC's web site. TLCC's Web-based tracking application allows the training manager to track what courses were taken by each employee. Below is an image showing all the courses taken by a particular student. Get a handle on your training!

Courses taken by a student

The advantages of TLCC's corporate packages are:

Ease of use

TLCC's corporate package system is an easy to use education ordering and tracking system for your employees.

Lower your training investment

TLCC's corporate package pricing is the least expensive way to get TLCC's courses and is much more economical than classroom training, PLUS, there is no travel costs and students get trained when they need the skills, not when a class is being offered.

Here's an example of TLCC's pricing compared to the typical classroom pricing.


Classroom equivalent price

TLCC Price

TLCC price compared to classroom

Single Course


$400 per day of training

$200 per day of training


100 unit corporate package





200 unit corporate package





400 unit corporate package





(Four units are roughly equivalent to one classroom day.)

Some of TLCC's corporate package customers are IBM/Lotus, Raytheon, and the Government of New Zealand.

Read how Raytheon Corporation trains their developers in this Case Study from Group Computing.
This case study explores how Bob Pratico, a manager from Raytheon, built up a department of Notes/Domino developers and saved Raytheon money!
Click here to read the Group Computing article.

Contact TLCC for more information and to order your corporate package.

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