Retail Price: |
$699 |
Course Code: |
Course Length (hours): |
21 |
Time Allowed:  |
4 months |
Units:  |
Introduction to WebSphere 5 for Domino DevelopersPrint Course Information
Many Domino developers are asking what is WebSphere and how does it fit into my Domino environment? This introductory course is designed specifically for Domino developers to answer these questions. WebSphere Studio is the tool of choice to develop multi-tier enterprise applications for deployment on a WebSphere Application Server. This course shows how to use the WebSphere Studio's integrated development environment to develop, test and debug Java applications. The J2EE application model is explained and the Model, View, Controller (MVC) design architecture is defined and demonstrated. Learn how to create, test, and debug Java applications, web pages, servlets and JavaServer Pages. Learn how to integrate WebSphere servlets and JavaServer Pages into your Domino environment.
This course is specifically designed for Domino developers and includes numerous tips and hints to bridge from your existing knowledge of Domino development to developing WebSphere applications. This course includes many live demonstrations and student activities done right in the WebSphere Studio development environment. After completing this course and gaining some experience with WebSphere Studio you should be prepared to take the certification exam to become an IBM Certified Associate Developer on WebSphere Studio, V5.
Read more about getting certified as a WebSphere developer in WebSphere Power Magazine.
The prerequisite for this course is a knowledge of Java. If you do not meet this prerequisites then TLCC offers two packages to help get you started in WebSphere development:
Don't know Java?
TLCC's Java and WebSphere 5 Developer Package contains both of TLCC's Java programming courses designed specifically for Domino developers AND both of TLCC's WebSphere courses and the practice certification exam for the 285 test.
Click here for more information on this package
Know Java already?
TLCC's WebSphere 5 for Domino Developers Package contains both of TLCC's WebSphere courses and a free practice certification exam for the 285 test.
Click here for more information on this package |
The system requirements for this course are:
- WebSphere Studio 5
Please note that this course will NOT work with IBM's Rational Developer 6 software, however, TLCC does offer courses for Rational Developer 6.
- Domino Designer 6 client
- A current web browser
- Access to the Internet
Experienced Domino developers with a basic understanding of the Java programming language.
The following TLCC courses (or their equivalent) are the suggested prerequisite(s) for this course:
Course Details
Course Code: WSAD5DD1
Course Title: Introduction to WebSphere 5 for Domino Developers
Units: 12
Duration: 3 classroom equivalent days
Discussion Access: 4 months1
1. Up to 12 months access when purchased as part of a Curriculum Package.
Summary Description
Many Domino developers are asking what is WebSphere and how does it fit into my Domino environment? This introductory course designed specifically for Domino developers answers these questions. WebSphere Studio is the tool of choice to develop multi-tier enterprise applications for deployment on a WebSphere Application Server. This course shows how to use the WebSphere Studio's integrated development environment to develop, test and debug Java applications. The J2EE application model is explained and the Model, View, Controller (MVC) design architecture is defined and demonstrated. Learn how to create, test, and debug Java applications, web pages, servlets and JavaServer Pages. Learn how to integrate WebSphere servlets and JavaServer Pages into your Domino environment.
This course is specifically designed for Domino developers and includes numerous tips and hints to bridge from your existing knowledge of Domino development to how to develop WebSphere applications. This course includes many live demonstrations and student activities that you do right in the WSAD development environment. After completing this course and gaining some experience with WebSphere Studio you should be prepared to take the certification exam to become a IBM Certified Associate Developer on WebSphere Studio, V5. The course is the first of a series of planned WebSphere courses by TLCC.
Audience and Prerequisites
Experienced Domino developers with a basic understanding of the Java programming language. The recommended prerequisite courses are:
- TLCC's Beginner Java Programming for Notes Domino 6 course
- TLCC's Intermediate Java Programming for Notes Domino 6 course
- Equivalent Java programming course(s) to the courses listed above.
System Requirements
The system requirements for this course are:
- Domino Designer 6 client
- WebSphere Studio (version 5), one of the following editions:
- WebSphere Studio Site Developer
- WebSphere Studio Application Developer
- WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition
- WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer
- A current web browser
- Access to the Internet for instructor support
Course Modules
Module 1 - Introduction to WebSphere Studio Application Developer
In this module, you learn about WebSphere Studio and how to use this integrated development environment to develop, test and debug Java and Web based applications. Learn to use the different WebSphere Studio perspectives to support role-based development. Use the wizards to create projects, packages, classes and web pages. Learn how to use WebSphere Studio's editors to open, modify and save changes to project resources like web pages and Java class files. Use the Java Code Debugger to test and debug Java code and use the built-in WebSphere test server to test a Java servlet.
- Learn about WSAD's integrated development environment
- Install and start WSAD
- Use WSAD's on-line help resources
- Learn how to import and export projects into and out of WSAD
- Identify the main parts of the WSAD workbench, views and editor areas
- Understand how Java code and other application resources are organized into a WSAD project
- Identify the different types of WSAD projects
- Learn how the different WSAD perspectives support role-based development
- Identify and learn how to use the different WSAD perspectives
- Use the Web perspective to create and maintain web sites
- Use the Page Designer editor to create and edit web pages
- Learn how to use, resize and relocate WSAD views
- Learn how to use WSAD editors to open, modify and save changes to project resources
- Learn how to associate a file type with an external editor
- Use WSAD wizards to create a project, package and class
- Access and change Java Build Path settings
- Use the refactoring tool to move and rename Java class files
- Learn about and use the development tools which are available in the Java perspective
- Use the Java Browsing perspective
- Learn how to use and set preferences for the Java editor
- Use the WSAD content assist and quick fix features to speed code development and reduce code entry errors
- Locate and resolve compile-time errors
- Learn how to preview and test web pages and Java applications
- Use the Java Code Debugger to test and debug Java code
- Use the built-in WebSphere test server to test a Java servlet
Module 2 - Introduction to Programming in J2EE
What is J2EE? This module provides definitions and descriptions for the J2EE architecture, application model and application platform. The components of the J2EE architecture are listed and described. The Model, View, Controller (MVC) design architecture is defined and demonstrated.
- Learn about the J2EE multi-tier application model
- Learn the components in the J2EE architecture
- Understand the compliance requirements for a J2EE application platform
- Learn how to use WSAD to create a J2EE Enterprise Application project
- Learn how to use WSAD to create Servlet, JSP and EJB components
- Learn the Model, View, Controller (MVC) application design pattern
- Understand how the MVC application design pattern maps to the J2EE multi-tier application model
- Explore the MVC design pattern in an example application
Module 3 - Introduction to Java Servlet Architecture
Java servlets are a primary component in the J2EE architecture. They provide the developer with a server-side programming environment which can be used to respond to requests, access data and process results. In this lesson you will learn what a servlet is, how to create a servlet and how to interact with a web browser to receive requests and send responses. Learn how to debug a servlet using WebSphere Studio's debugging tools.
- Learn what servlets are and where they fit in MVC design
- Understand the servlet execution model
- Implement the primary methods of the HttpServlet class
- Learn how to initialize servlets
- Use the web.xml configuration file to configure a servlet
- Program a servlet to send an HTML page to a browser
- Program a servlet to create an XML response
- Program a servlet to add a cookie to a browser
- Learn to read the values from input fields on a form
- Program a servlet to access CGI variables
- Program a servlet to read cookies
- Debug a servlet using WSAD
Module 4 - Introduction to JavaServer Pages
In this module, you learn about JavaServer Pages and when to use them. Learn about the different JSP coding elements including directive elements, action elements, declaration elements, expression elements and scriptlets. Learn how to leverage the presentation strengths of JSPs in an MVC design. Learn how to forward a request from a servlet to a JSP using the RequestDispatcher interface. Discover the differences between versions 1.1 and 1.2 of the JavaServer Page specification and how to create a JSP for either version. Use the WebSphere Studio debugging tools to debug the Java code on a JSP.
- Learn what JavaServer Pages (JSPs) are and where they fit in MVC design
- Understand how JSPs are executed
- Learn when to use a JSP
- Learn how to submit a form to a JSP for processing
- Use template text in a JSP
- Create a JSP using the WSAD wizard
- Add HTML and Java hidden comments to a JSP
- Use JSP Directive elements to import Java packages and include external files
- Use JSP Action elements to include a JavaBean and to set and get properties of the bean
- Use Declaration elements to declare Java variables
- Use Expression elements to create Java expressions
- Learn how to create a Java scriptlet on a JSP page
- Learn how to use Implied objects on a JSP to get access to input field variables on a form
- Learn how to leverage the presentation strengths of JSPs in an MVC design
- Learn when to use a JSP instead of a servlet and when to use them together
- Learn how to forward a request from a servlet to a JSP using the RequestDispatcher interface
- Learn the differences between version 1.1 and 1.2 of the JavaServer Page specifications
- Debug a JSP using WSAD
Module 5 - Domino WebSphere Integration
In this module, you learn how to integrate a Domino server and the WebSphere server and how to submit a Domino form to WebSphere for processing by a servlet or JSP.
- Understand what Domino does best
- Understand what WebSphere does best
- Understand how to leverage the strengths of Domino and WebSphere in an integrated environment
- Learn how to configure a Domino server to forward servlet and JSP requests to a WebSphere server
- Understand how Domino converts a form for display in a web browser
- Learn how to submit a Domino form to WebSphere for processing by a servlet or JSP
Module 6 - Additional Exam TopicsThis module covers topics you may find on the 285 exam (Developing with IBM WebSphere Studio, V5.0). Passing this exam will enable you to become certified as a IBM Certified Associate Developer on WebSphere Studio, V5. If you are not studying for this exam you can skip this module.